Monday 19 October 2009


The start of the season didn't quite happen how we all thought. Our sleds were driven out to Cesana, Italy but all the athletes never made it as there was a emergency phone call to say "HOLD don't go to the airport there is no ice on the track its melting off"!! Ahhhh. So what now... the refrigeration was broken and it was too hot to keep ice on the track. So all athletes were told to be on the end of the phone and any minuet of the day we could get the phone call to drive to any airport in Britain to fly out to any other track.
Luckily the track in Winterberg, Germany said yes so the team all rushed there a day later then the original leaving date.
Winterberg was raining as usual for this town, and the track was very very bumpy, but at least we were on the ice...first runs of the season.