What an amazing night that was, standing in front of that huge crowd in Birmingham, in front of brilliant sports stars, to be part of the same group and in the top ten of the 2010 sports personality awards was a proud moment for me and my family. I was very lucky to be loaned a beautiful dress from Burberry, thank you, and some exquisite jewellery designed and made by a local jewellers Watling goldsmiths and silversmiths of Lacock near Bath, (take a look www.watlings.com).
I didn’t realise I would get interviewed up on stage during the night, my brain suddenly scrabbled as I looked up at the 1000’s of people, whilst looking around at everyone, including David Beckham right there in front of me! I have to admit I did get a wee bit excited and made sure I went around and had my photo with everyone, including the lovely Victoria Beckham! Made my night!